I am so blessed to support School Administrators, staff, and students develop high-performance mindsets and

improve student achievement.

  • What Makes Dr. Z an Expert? 

    Expertise: A leader in transformative learning and catalyst for growth and inner peace.

    ·        Over 2500 hours coaching leaders and managers in corporations and universities

    ·        Taught over 700 youth how to increase grades to honor roll status

    ·        Trained over 30,000 adult learners in professional development training programs and graduate classes

    ·        Authored: #1 Amazon Best Seller: Engage! To Create Super Performance and Profitability.

    ·        Authored: 25 Days to Living Your Happiness and 7 Self-Leadership Practices to Freedom & Power.

    ·        Created The Happiness System designed to create an invincible mindset and super performance.

  • What Does Dr. Zayd Speak About?”           

    ·        In Dr. Zayd’s keynotes, he outlines his perspective on developing an invincible mindset and its relationship with achievement, self-leadership, and happiness

    ·        He shares tangible insights and tools for sustaining happiness which ultimately leads to more engagement and productivity

    ·        Zayd hooks the audience with processes and exercises to ensure they will learn today and can use it tomorrow, as well as physical co-branded takeaways to transfer the learning to work and life

  • Topics/Programs:

    Student Achievement Requires an Invincible Mindset – a proven system for maximizing human potential, power, and energy. It focuses on creating well-being and balance by shifting mindsets and achieving productivity goals. This keynote helps leaders, managers, employees, and youth (ages 14 through 20) apply Self-Leadership, Courage, Persistence, Positive Mental Attitude, Self-Discipline, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem, and Integrity. Secret: The fastest way to sustain long-term habits for success is to eliminate 90% of what you are currently doing and focus instead on this single, simple repeatable strategy that is proven to work time and time again.

    The Happiness System – increase conscious self-awareness and align to higher energies that heal fear into love energy. This system guarantees better behaviors and growth opportunities to expand life. Secret: You only need 15 minutes a day to have the best mindset, experience inner peace, and achieve more meaningful specific, measurable goals.

    Return to Happiness in Uncertainty – learn to use a universal formula, a proven process for strengthening your ability to “come back” from loss and fear. You can sustain mental and emotional positivity during uncertainty and achieve more. Secret: Self-awareness and aligning your thoughts and feelings raises high energy to overcome depression and improve results.

  • About Dr. Z

    Born and raised in Washington, D.C., the nation’s capital. Experienced dysfunctional love in the family and negative social/cultural influences. Like many African American males in urban environments, he developed fears, self-doubt, and low self-esteem. He quit on his potential for human excellence early in life, and barely got out of high school.

     The mindset and bad habits followed him to college. Facing the Pain of Failure, he nearly flunked out of college. It did not get better until he decided to go within himself and realized he was the problem. He started taking personal responsibility for his growth, performance, and life. Hence, the transformation began.

     Since then, he’s created a proprietary methodology, a system to accomplish everything in life. As he grew within his heart and mind, the external life began to improve. He went from a C student to being on the honor roll; from an adjunct faculty to a Campus Dean; from an employee to an entrepreneur. Now, he trains and coaches youth and adults to improve their mindsets, productivity, fulfillment, and happiness.

  • Benefits of Hiring Dr. Z

     ·        Develop an invincible mindset for achievement

    ·        Increase student and adult performance

    ·        Increase engagement and productivity

    ·        Lessen toxicity and negativity

  • Speaker, Trainer, Coach at:

    • Booz Allen Hamilton

    • Industrial Bank

    • Prince George’s County Chamber of Commerce

    • Johns Hopkins Carey Business School

    • SWAMFEST, Small, Women and Minority-Owned, Virginia Department of Small Business

    • Graduate School USA

    • University of Maryland University College

    • Strayer University

    • Contra Costa College

    • Duke Ellington School of the Arts

    • Archbishop Carroll High School

    • Alexandria City Public Schools

  • Endorsements on Youth Achievement

    “I was struggling at a make-or-break point in my schooling this year. Your class helped me get past that point because I was at a 1 point something grade point average. Now, it’s at a 3.0. I go to class everyday now. I’ve seen myself make better habits by being in your class. Thank you for helping me.”  Malcolm G., 12th grader, El Cerrito, CA

    “This class was my slap in the face, it pulled me out of the hole of self doubt I had crippled myself with. Now, I have faith in my own ability to succeed in life. Dr. Zayd helped me to better know myself.  What I gained was the self-confidence and self-worth to succeed in all pursuits I ever choose to tackle.  Gratefully.” – Sean Greene, 11th grader, Northern Virginia

    “Sean’s attitude has improved 100% as has his self esteem.  He's started a part-time, after school job while maintaining A & B averages in all subjects!  We couldn't be prouder of him! I'm very satisfied with Sean's progress and am happy with the results of his participation in your program.” – Kim Greene, Parent

    “Dr. Zayd. I’m definitely interested in getting my daughter through your program and follow up for Zach. By the way, he’s doing extremely well!! He’s maintaining a 4.33 gpa (3 A+s last quarter) and likely to be selected for the NHS (National Honor Society). He’s also very motivated by the letters he’s been getting daily from prestigious colleges and universities, and he’s only in 10th grade. Keep up the great work, you’re changing lives one child at a time!” – Jon Walman, Parent

    “Alex is an engineering student at VT (Virginia Tech) in the most competitive class of freshmen they have ever had – average 3.88 GPA. He got a $4K scholarship along the way and is both having a great time and kicking but – great grades and a great approach to unsupervised college life. Thanks for your contribution to his success.” – Harald Buchholz, Parent

    “Dr. Zayd affected significant and productive change for the health of the institution and the employees who serve it. He provides powerful perspective-shifting inspiration to increase engagement, satisfaction, and productivity. Dr. Zayd’s demonstrated leadership ability and skill at empowering others deserves my highest recommendation.” Tia Powell Harris, CEO, Duke Ellington School of the Arts

  • Contact: 703-927-6152

